
Você sabe o que é Limnologia?

Limnologia é a ciência que estuda as águas continentais, ou seja, os rios, lagos, reservatórios e outros ambientes aquáticos que estão no continente e todos organismos que estão presentes neles e suas relações.

É com grande satisfação que relembramos que o XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Limnologia – CBLimno será realizado em conjunto com o 37th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL) em Foz do Iguaçu no período de 5 a 9 de maio de 2024.

O XIX CBLimno será honrosamente presidido por:

Maynamy José Santana da Silva – Superintendente de Políticas para Povos Indígenas de Alagoas

Profa. Gisele Carolina Marquardt – Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)

Para mais informações, clique aqui: XIX CBLimno



Quem somos?

O Objetivo central da ABLimno é promover o desenvolvimento da Limnologia Brasileira além de congregar os profissionais das áreas de limnologia, hidrobiologia ou ecologia aquática atuantes no Brasil não esquecendo ainda daqueles profissionais ligados às inúmeras áreas de interface tais como as geociências, as engenharias e as ciências humanas e sociais que tenham alguma ligação com a conservação e gestão de recursos hídricos.

After almost 30 years, Brazil is once again hosting a SIL International Congress on Limnology. As a historical indigenous land, Latin America and the Caribbean are blessed with incredible water resources and breathtaking landscapes! However, the fragmentation of the indigenous people and water bodies across the continent has led to scientific and economic inequalities with serious consequences for biodiversity conservation.

The diversity of water bodies in Latin American and the Caribbean is as great as their indigenous people and their culture, which are fully connected to the water. For these people and their descendents, freshwaters are considered a holy ground, a gift supporting the dignity of their people and ancestors. These characteristics make Brazil a relevant site to host this global Limnology event.

Therefore, in 2022, limnologists from 18 countries came together to reduce such distances and borders, in an effort to restore part of the connections between people and waters over these incredible territories!

The theme for the 37th SIL Congress is “Building bridges between science and society to reduce the effects of fragmentation and degradation of inland waters”. By bringing together researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders, it aims to reconcile the multiple uses of the water with the challenges for conservation in the face of climate change and human pressures. In this regard, the main issue we want to address is the legacy that we will need to leave in a fragmented world, where indigenous and non-indigenous people need to work together for a sustainable land.

In Brazil, indigenous people say “Never again a Brazil without us”. After the 37th SIL we expect to address this claim, indicating that the world needs to break the barriers between science and society to reduce impacts under the water resources over the world. This is the greatest challenge and certainly will be a legacy for the next generations.

To maintain and restore our water resources, we will need to work together on a common path! This conciliation embraces the challenges that the global south scientists and societies have been facing to sustain water bodies conservation. This challenge permeates the history of limnology in Latin American and the Caribbean and represents an excellent opportunity to meet developed and developing countries in bilateral and mutual support.

Join us for SIL 2024, May 5-9! Brazil, Latin America and the Caribbean are waiting for you! Let’s make the world an indigenous land again!

Luciana Barbosa
President of Brazilian Limnology Association and Leader of Latin American and Caribbean Limnology Network and Chair SIL 2024

Visit: 37 Congress of International Society of Limnology ( 

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